Source code for obp.ope.estimators

# Copyright (c) Yuta Saito, Yusuke Narita, and ZOZO Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

"""Off-Policy Estimators."""
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Optional

import numpy as np

from ..utils import estimate_confidence_interval_by_bootstrap

[docs]@dataclass class BaseOffPolicyEstimator(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for OPE estimators.""" @abstractmethod def _estimate_round_rewards(self) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate rewards for each round.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def estimate_policy_value(self) -> float: """Estimate policy value of an evaluation policy.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def estimate_interval(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """Estimate confidence interval of policy value by nonparametric bootstrap procedure.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@dataclass class ReplayMethod(BaseOffPolicyEstimator): """Estimate the policy value by Relpay Method (RM). Note ------- Replay Method (RM) estimates the policy value of a given evaluation policy :math:`\\pi_e` by .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{RM}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}) := \\frac{\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\mathbb{I} \\{ \\pi_e (x_t) = a_t \\} r_t ]}{\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\mathbb{I} \\{ \\pi_e (x_t) = a_t \\}]}, where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`\\pi_e: \\mathcal{X} \\rightarrow \\mathcal{A}` is the function representing action choices by the evaluation policy realized during offline bandit simulation. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. Parameters ---------- estimator_name: str, default='rm'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ------------ Lihong Li, Wei Chu, John Langford, and Xuanhui Wang. "Unbiased Offline Evaluation of Contextual-bandit-based News Article Recommendation Algorithms.", 2011. """ estimator_name: str = "rm" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ------------ reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the Replay Method for each round. """ action_match = np.array( action_dist[np.arange(action.shape[0]), action, position] == 1 ) estimated_rewards = np.zeros_like(action_match) if action_match.sum() > 0.0: estimated_rewards = action_match * reward / action_match.mean() return estimated_rewards
[docs] def estimate_policy_value( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> float: """Estimate policy value of an evaluation policy. Parameters ------------ reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. Returns ---------- V_hat: float Estimated policy value (performance) of a given evaluation policy. """ return self._estimate_round_rewards( reward=reward, action=action, position=position, action_dist=action_dist, ).mean()
[docs] def estimate_interval( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.05, n_bootstrap_samples: int = 100, random_state: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Estimate confidence interval of policy value by nonparametric bootstrap procedure. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. alpha: float, default=0.05 P-value. n_bootstrap_samples: int, default=10000 Number of resampling performed in the bootstrap procedure. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in bootstrap sampling. Returns ---------- estimated_confidence_interval: Dict[str, float] Dictionary storing the estimated mean and upper-lower confidence bounds. """ estimated_round_rewards = self._estimate_round_rewards( reward=reward, action=action, position=position, action_dist=action_dist, ) return estimate_confidence_interval_by_bootstrap( samples=estimated_round_rewards, alpha=alpha, n_bootstrap_samples=n_bootstrap_samples, random_state=random_state, )
[docs]@dataclass class InverseProbabilityWeighting(BaseOffPolicyEstimator): """Estimate the policy value by Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW). Note ------- Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) estimates the policy value of a given evaluation policy :math:`\\pi_e` by .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{IPW}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}) := \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} [ w(x_t,a_t) r_t], where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`w(x,a):=\\pi_e (a|x)/\\pi_b (a|x)` is the importance weight given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. IPW re-weights the rewards by the ratio of the evaluation policy and behavior policy (importance weight). When the behavior policy is known, IPW is unbiased and consistent for the true policy value. However, it can have a large variance, especially when the evaluation policy significantly deviates from the behavior policy. Parameters ------------ estimator_name: str, default='ipw'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ------------ Alex Strehl, John Langford, Lihong Li, and Sham M Kakade. "Learning from Logged Implicit Exploration Data"., 2010. Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. """ estimator_name: str = "ipw" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by IPW for each round. """ iw = action_dist[np.arange(action.shape[0]), action, position] / pscore return reward * iw
[docs] def estimate_policy_value( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate policy value of an evaluation policy. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. Returns ---------- V_hat: float Estimated policy value (performance) of a given evaluation policy. """ return self._estimate_round_rewards( reward=reward, action=action, position=position, pscore=pscore, action_dist=action_dist, ).mean()
[docs] def estimate_interval( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.05, n_bootstrap_samples: int = 10000, random_state: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Estimate confidence interval of policy value by nonparametric bootstrap procedure. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. alpha: float, default=0.05 P-value. n_bootstrap_samples: int, default=10000 Number of resampling performed in the bootstrap procedure. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in bootstrap sampling. Returns ---------- estimated_confidence_interval: Dict[str, float] Dictionary storing the estimated mean and upper-lower confidence bounds. """ estimated_round_rewards = self._estimate_round_rewards( reward=reward, action=action, position=position, pscore=pscore, action_dist=action_dist, ) return estimate_confidence_interval_by_bootstrap( samples=estimated_round_rewards, alpha=alpha, n_bootstrap_samples=n_bootstrap_samples, random_state=random_state, )
[docs]@dataclass class SelfNormalizedInverseProbabilityWeighting(InverseProbabilityWeighting): """Estimate the policy value by Self-Normalized Inverse Probability Weighting (SNIPW). Note ------- Self-Normalized Inverse Probability Weighting (SNIPW) estimates the policy value of a given evaluation policy :math:`\\pi_e` by .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{SNIPW}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}) := \\frac{\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} [w(x_t,a_t) r_t]}{ \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} [w(x_t,a_t)]}, where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`w(x,a):=\\pi_e (a|x)/\\pi_b (a|x)` is the importance weight given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. SNIPW re-weights the observed rewards by the self-normalized importance weihgt. This estimator is not unbiased even when the behavior policy is known. However, it is still consistent for the true policy value and increases the stability in some senses. See the references for the detailed discussions. Parameters ---------- estimator_name: str, default='snipw'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ---------- Adith Swaminathan and Thorsten Joachims. "The Self-normalized Estimator for Counterfactual Learning.", 2015. Nathan Kallus and Masatoshi Uehara. "Intrinsically Efficient, Stable, and Bounded Off-Policy Evaluation for Reinforcement Learning.", 2019. """ estimator_name: str = "snipw" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the SNIPW estimator for each round. """ iw = action_dist[np.arange(action.shape[0]), action, position] / pscore return reward * iw / iw.mean()
[docs]@dataclass class DirectMethod(BaseOffPolicyEstimator): """Estimate the policy value by Direct Method (DM). Note ------- DM first learns a supervised machine learning model, such as ridge regression and gradient boosting, to estimate the mean reward function (:math:`q(x,a) = \\mathbb{E}[r|x,a]`). It then uses it to estimate the policy value as follows. .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{DM}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}, \\hat{q}) &:= \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} \\left[ \\sum_{a \\in \\mathcal{A}} \\hat{q} (x_t,a) \\pi_e(a|x_t) \\right], \\\\ & = \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\hat{q} (x_t,\\pi_e)], where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x,a)` is an estimated expected reward given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x_t,\\pi):= \\mathbb{E}_{a \\sim \\pi(a|x)}[\\hat{q}(x,a)]` is the expectation of the estimated reward function over :math:`\\pi`. To estimate the mean reward function, please use `obp.ope.regression_model.RegressionModel`, which supports several fitting methods specific to OPE. If the regression model (:math:`\\hat{q}`) is a good approximation to the true mean reward function, this estimator accurately estimates the policy value of the evaluation policy. If the regression function fails to approximate the mean reward function well, however, the final estimator is no longer consistent. Parameters ---------- estimator_name: str, default='dm'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ---------- Alina Beygelzimer and John Langford. "The offset tree for learning with partial labels.", 2009. Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. """ estimator_name: str = "dm" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, position: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> float: """Estimate policy value of an evaluation policy. Parameters ---------- position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the DM estimator for each round. """ n_rounds = position.shape[0] q_hat_at_position = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), :, position ] pi_e_at_position = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), :, position] return np.average(q_hat_at_position, weights=pi_e_at_position, axis=1,)
[docs] def estimate_policy_value( self, position: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> float: """Estimate policy value of an evaluation policy. Parameters ---------- position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- V_hat: float Estimated policy value (performance) of a given evaluation policy. """ return self._estimate_round_rewards( position=position, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model=estimated_rewards_by_reg_model, action_dist=action_dist, ).mean()
[docs] def estimate_interval( self, position: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.05, n_bootstrap_samples: int = 10000, random_state: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Estimate confidence interval of policy value by nonparametric bootstrap procedure. Parameters ---------- position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. alpha: float, default=0.05 P-value. n_bootstrap_samples: int, default=10000 Number of resampling performed in the bootstrap procedure. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in bootstrap sampling. Returns ---------- estimated_confidence_interval: Dict[str, float] Dictionary storing the estimated mean and upper-lower confidence bounds. """ estimated_round_rewards = self._estimate_round_rewards( position=position, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model=estimated_rewards_by_reg_model, action_dist=action_dist, ) return estimate_confidence_interval_by_bootstrap( samples=estimated_round_rewards, alpha=alpha, n_bootstrap_samples=n_bootstrap_samples, random_state=random_state, )
[docs]@dataclass class DoublyRobust(InverseProbabilityWeighting): """Estimate the policy value by Doubly Robust (DR). Note ------- Similar to DM, DR first learns a supervised machine learning model, such as ridge regression and gradient boosting, to estimate the mean reward function (:math:`q(x,a) = \\mathbb{E}[r|x,a]`). It then uses it to estimate the policy value as follows. .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{DR}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}, \\hat{q}) := \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\hat{q}(x_t,\\pi_e) + w(x_t,a_t) (r_t - \\hat{q}(x_t,a_t))], where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`w(x,a):=\\pi_e (a|x)/\\pi_b (a|x)` is the importance weight given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x,a)` is an estimated expected reward given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x_t,\\pi):= \\mathbb{E}_{a \\sim \\pi(a|x)}[\\hat{q}(x,a)]` is the expectation of the estimated reward function over :math:`\\pi`. To estimate the mean reward function, please use `obp.ope.regression_model.RegressionModel`, which supports several fitting methods specific to OPE such as *more robust doubly robust*. DR mimics IPW to use a weighted version of rewards, but DR also uses the estimated mean reward function (the regression model) as a control variate to decrease the variance. It preserves the consistency of IPW if either the importance weight or the mean reward estimator is accurate (a property called double robustness). Moreover, DR is semiparametric efficient when the mean reward estimator is correctly specified. Parameters ---------- estimator_name: str, default='dr'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ---------- Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. Mehrdad Farajtabar, Yinlam Chow, and Mohammad Ghavamzadeh. "More Robust Doubly Robust Off-policy Evaluation.", 2018. """ estimator_name: str = "dr" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the DR estimator for each round. """ n_rounds = action.shape[0] iw = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), action, position] / pscore q_hat_at_position = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), :, position ] q_hat_factual = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), action, position ] pi_e_at_position = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), :, position] estimated_rewards = np.average( q_hat_at_position, weights=pi_e_at_position, axis=1, ) estimated_rewards += iw * (reward - q_hat_factual) return estimated_rewards
[docs] def estimate_policy_value( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, ) -> float: """Estimate policy value of an evaluation policy. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- V_hat: float Estimated policy value by the DR estimator. """ return self._estimate_round_rewards( reward=reward, action=action, position=position, pscore=pscore, action_dist=action_dist, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model=estimated_rewards_by_reg_model, ).mean()
[docs] def estimate_interval( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.05, n_bootstrap_samples: int = 10000, random_state: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Estimate confidence interval of policy value by nonparametric bootstrap procedure. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. alpha: float, default=0.05 P-value. n_bootstrap_samples: int, default=10000 Number of resampling performed in the bootstrap procedure. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in bootstrap sampling. Returns ---------- estimated_confidence_interval: Dict[str, float] Dictionary storing the estimated mean and upper-lower confidence bounds. """ estimated_round_rewards = self._estimate_round_rewards( reward=reward, action=action, position=position, pscore=pscore, action_dist=action_dist, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model=estimated_rewards_by_reg_model, ) return estimate_confidence_interval_by_bootstrap( samples=estimated_round_rewards, alpha=alpha, n_bootstrap_samples=n_bootstrap_samples, random_state=random_state, )
[docs]@dataclass class SelfNormalizedDoublyRobust(DoublyRobust): """Estimate the policy value by Self-Normalized Doubly Robust (SNDR). Note ------- Self-Normalized Doubly Robust estimates the policy value of a given evaluation policy :math:`\\pi_e` by .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{SNDR}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}, \\hat{q}) := \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} \\left[\\hat{q}(x_t,\\pi_e) + \\frac{w(x_t,a_t) (r_t - \\hat{q}(x_t,a_t))}{\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[ w(x_t,a_t) ]} \\right], where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`w(x,a):=\\pi_e (a|x)/\\pi_b (a|x)` is the importance weight given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x,a)` is an estimated expected reward given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x_t,\\pi):= \\mathbb{E}_{a \\sim \\pi(a|x)}[\\hat{q}(x,a)]` is the expectation of the estimated reward function over :math:`\\pi`. To estimate the mean reward function, please use `obp.ope.regression_model.RegressionModel`. Similar to Self-Normalized Inverse Probability Weighting, SNDR estimator applies the self-normalized importance weighting technique to increase the stability of the original Doubly Robust estimator. Parameters ---------- estimator_name: str, default='sndr'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ---------- Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. Nathan Kallus and Masatoshi Uehara. "Intrinsically Efficient, Stable, and Bounded Off-Policy Evaluation for Reinforcement Learning.", 2019. """ estimator_name: str = "sndr" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the SNDR estimator for each round. """ n_rounds = action.shape[0] iw = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), action, position] / pscore q_hat_at_position = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), :, position ] pi_e_at_position = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), :, position] estimated_rewards = np.average( q_hat_at_position, weights=pi_e_at_position, axis=1, ) q_hat_factual = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), action, position ] estimated_rewards += iw * (reward - q_hat_factual) / iw.mean() return estimated_rewards
[docs]@dataclass class SwitchInverseProbabilityWeighting(DoublyRobust): """Estimate the policy value by Switch Inverse Probability Weighting (Switch-IPW). Note ------- Switch-IPW aims to reduce the variance of the IPW estimator by using direct method when the importance weight is large. This estimator estimates the policy value of a given evaluation policy :math:`\\pi_e` by .. math:: & \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{SwitchIPW}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}, \\tau) \\\\ & := \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} \\left[ \\sum_{a \\in \\mathcal{A}} \\hat{q} (x_t, a) \\pi_e (a|x_t) \\mathbb{I} \\{ w(x_t, a) > \\tau \\} + w(x_t,a_t) r_t \\mathbb{I} \\{ w(x_t,a_t) \\le \\tau \\} \\right], where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`w(x,a):=\\pi_e (a|x)/\\pi_b (a|x)` is the importance weight given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. :math:`\\tau (\\ge 0)` is a switching hyperparameter, which decides the threshold for the importance weight. To estimate the mean reward function, please use `obp.ope.regression_model.RegressionModel`. Parameters ---------- tau: float, default=1 Switching hyperparameter. When importance weight is larger than this parameter, the DM estimator is applied, otherwise the IPW estimator is applied. This hyperparameter should be larger than 1., otherwise it is meaningless. estimator_name: str, default='switch-ipw'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ---------- Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. Yu-Xiang Wang, Alekh Agarwal, and Miroslav Dudík. "Optimal and Adaptive Off-policy Evaluation in Contextual Bandits", 2016. """ tau: float = 1 estimator_name: str = "switch-ipw" def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize Class.""" assert ( self.tau >= 0.0 ), f"switching hyperparameter should be larger than 1, but {self.tau} is given" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> float: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the Switch-IPW estimator for each round. """ n_rounds = action.shape[0] iw = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), action, position] / pscore switch_indicator = np.array(iw <= self.tau, dtype=int) q_hat_at_position = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), :, position ] pi_e_at_position = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), :, position] estimated_rewards = (1 - switch_indicator) * np.average( q_hat_at_position, weights=pi_e_at_position, axis=1, ) estimated_rewards += switch_indicator * iw * reward return estimated_rewards
[docs]@dataclass class SwitchDoublyRobust(DoublyRobust): """Estimate the policy value by Switch Doubly Robust (Switch-DR). Note ------- Switch-DR aims to reduce the variance of the DR estimator by using direct method when the importance weight is large. This estimator estimates the policy value of a given evaluation policy :math:`\\pi_e` by .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{SwitchDR}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}, \\hat{q}, \\tau) := \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} [\\hat{q}(x_t,\\pi_e) + w(x_t,a_t) (r_t - \\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)) \\mathbb{I} \\{ w(x_t,a_t) \\le \\tau \\}], where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`w(x,a):=\\pi_e (a|x)/\\pi_b (a|x)` is the importance weight given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. :math:`\\tau (\\ge 0)` is a switching hyperparameter, which decides the threshold for the importance weight. :math:`\\hat{q} (x,a)` is an estimated expected reward given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x_t,\\pi):= \\mathbb{E}_{a \\sim \\pi(a|x)}[\\hat{q}(x,a)]` is the expectation of the estimated reward function over :math:`\\pi`. To estimate the mean reward function, please use `obp.ope.regression_model.RegressionModel`. Parameters ---------- tau: float, default=1 Switching hyperparameter. When importance weight is larger than this parameter, the DM estimator is applied, otherwise the DR estimator is applied. This hyperparameter should be larger than or equal to 0., otherwise it is meaningless. estimator_name: str, default='switch-dr'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ---------- Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. Yu-Xiang Wang, Alekh Agarwal, and Miroslav Dudík. "Optimal and Adaptive Off-policy Evaluation in Contextual Bandits", 2016. """ tau: float = 1 estimator_name: str = "switch-dr" def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize Class.""" assert ( self.tau >= 0.0 ), f"switching hyperparameter must be larger than or equal to zero, but {self.tau} is given" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> float: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the Switch-DR estimator for each round. """ n_rounds = action.shape[0] iw = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), action, position] / pscore switch_indicator = np.array(iw <= self.tau, dtype=int) q_hat_at_position = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), :, position ] q_hat_factual = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), action, position ] pi_e_at_position = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), :, position] estimated_rewards = np.average( q_hat_at_position, weights=pi_e_at_position, axis=1, ) estimated_rewards += switch_indicator * iw * (reward - q_hat_factual) return estimated_rewards
[docs]@dataclass class DoublyRobustWithShrinkage(DoublyRobust): """Estimate the policy value by Doubly Robust with optimistic shrinkage (DRos). Note ------ DR with (optimistic) shrinkage replaces the importance weight in the original DR estimator with a new weight mapping found by directly optimizing sharp bounds on the resulting MSE. .. math:: \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{DRos}} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}, \\hat{q}, \\lambda) := \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}} [\\hat{q}(x_t,\\pi_e) + w_o(x_t,a_t;\\lambda) (r_t - \\hat{q}(x_t,a_t))], where :math:`\\mathcal{D}=\\{(x_t,a_t,r_t)\\}_{t=1}^{T}` is logged bandit feedback data with :math:`T` rounds collected by a behavior policy :math:`\\pi_b`. :math:`w(x,a):=\\pi_e (a|x)/\\pi_b (a|x)` is the importance weight given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x_t,\\pi):= \\mathbb{E}_{a \\sim \\pi(a|x)}[\\hat{q}(x,a)]` is the expectation of the estimated reward function over :math:`\\pi`. :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{D}}[\\cdot]` is the empirical average over :math:`T` observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. :math:`\\hat{q} (x,a)` is an estimated expected reward given :math:`x` and :math:`a`. To estimate the mean reward function, please use `obp.ope.regression_model.RegressionModel`. :math:`w_{o} (x_t,a_t;\\lambda)` is a new weight by the shrinkage technique which is defined as .. math:: w_{o} (x_t,a_t;\\lambda) := \\frac{\\lambda}{w^2(x_t,a_t) + \\lambda} w(x_t,a_t). When :math:`\\lambda=0`, we have :math:`w_{o} (x,a;\\lambda)=0` corresponding to the DM estimator. In contrast, as :math:`\\lambda \\rightarrow \\infty`, :math:`w_{o} (x,a;\\lambda)` increases and in the limit becomes equal to the original importance weight, corresponding to the standard DR estimator. Parameters ---------- lambda_: float Shrinkage hyperparameter. This hyperparameter should be larger than or equal to 0., otherwise it is meaningless. estimator_name: str, default='dr-os'. Name of off-policy estimator. References ---------- Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. Yi Su, Maria Dimakopoulou, Akshay Krishnamurthy, and Miroslav Dudik. "Doubly Robust Off-Policy Evaluation with Shrinkage.", 2020. """ lambda_: float = 0.0 estimator_name: str = "dr-os" def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize Class.""" assert ( self.lambda_ >= 0.0 ), f"shrinkage hyperparameter must be larger than or equal to zero, but {self.lambda_} is given" def _estimate_round_rewards( self, reward: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, pscore: np.ndarray, action_dist: np.ndarray, estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate rewards for each round. Parameters ---------- reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Reward observed in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`r_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action choice probabilities by a behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_t|x_t)`. action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities by the evaluation policy (can be deterministic), i.e., :math:`\\pi_e(a_t|x_t)`. estimated_rewards_by_reg_model: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Expected rewards for each round, action, and position estimated by a regression model, i.e., :math:`\\hat{q}(x_t,a_t)`. Returns ---------- estimated_rewards: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards estimated by the DRos estimator for each round. """ n_rounds = action.shape[0] iw = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), action, position] / pscore shrinkage_weight = (self.lambda_ * iw) / (iw ** 2 + self.lambda_) q_hat_at_position = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), :, position ] q_hat_factual = estimated_rewards_by_reg_model[ np.arange(n_rounds), action, position ] pi_e_at_position = action_dist[np.arange(n_rounds), :, position] estimated_rewards = np.average( q_hat_at_position, weights=pi_e_at_position, axis=1, ) estimated_rewards += shrinkage_weight * (reward - q_hat_factual) return estimated_rewards