Source code for obp.dataset.multiclass

# Copyright (c) Yuta Saito, Yusuke Narita, and ZOZO Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

"""Class for Multi-Class Classification to Bandit Reduction."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin, is_classifier, clone
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state, check_X_y

from .base import BaseSyntheticBanditDataset
from ..types import BanditFeedback

[docs]@dataclass class MultiClassToBanditReduction(BaseSyntheticBanditDataset): """Class for handling multi-class classification data as logged bandit feedback data. Note ----- A machine learning classifier such as logistic regression is used to construct behavior and evaluation policies as follows. 1. Split the original data into training (:math:`\\mathcal{D}_{\\mathrm{tr}}`) and evaluation (:math:`\\mathcal{D}_{\\mathrm{ev}}`) sets. 2. Train classifiers on :math:`\\mathcal{D}_{\\mathrm{tr}}` and obtain base deterministic policies :math:`\\pi_{\\mathrm{det},b}` and :math:`\\pi_{\\mathrm{det},e}`. 3. Construct behavior (:math:`\\pi_{b}`) and evaluation (:math:`\\pi_{e}`) policies based on :math:`\\pi_{\\mathrm{det},b}` and :math:`\\pi_{\\mathrm{det},e}` as .. math:: \\pi_b (a | x) := \\alpha_b \\cdot \\pi_{\\mathrm{det},b} (a|x) + (1.0 - \\alpha_b) \\cdot \\pi_{u} (a|x) .. math:: \\pi_e (a | x) := \\alpha_e \\cdot \\pi_{\\mathrm{det},e} (a|x) + (1.0 - \\alpha_e) \\cdot \\pi_{u} (a|x) where :math:`\\pi_{u}` is a uniform random policy and :math:`\\alpha_b` and :math:`\\alpha_e` are set by the user. 4. Measure the accuracy of the evaluation policy on :math:`\\mathcal{D}_{\\mathrm{ev}}` with its fully observed rewards and use it as the evaluation policy's ground truth policy value. 5. Using :math:`\\mathcal{D}_{\\mathrm{ev}}`, an estimator :math:`\\hat{V}` estimates the policy value of the evaluation policy, i.e., .. math:: V(\\pi_e) \\approx \\hat{V} (\\pi_e; \\mathcal{D}_{\\mathrm{ev}}) 6. Evaluate the estimation performance of :math:`\\hat{V}` by comparing its estimate with the ground-truth policy value. Parameters ----------- X: array-like, shape (n_samples,n_features) Training vector of the original multi-class classification data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y: array-like, shape (n_samples,) Target vector (relative to X) of the original multi-class classification data. base_classifier_b: ClassifierMixin Machine learning classifier used to construct a behavior policy. alpha_b: float, default=0.9 Ration of a uniform random policy when constructing a **behavior** policy. Must be in the [0, 1) interval to make the behavior policy a stochastic one. dataset_name: str, default=None Name of the dataset. Examples ---------- .. code-block:: python # evaluate the estimation performance of IPW using the `digits` data in sklearn >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.datasets import load_digits >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # import open bandit pipeline (obp) >>> from obp.dataset import MultiClassToBanditReduction >>> from obp.ope import OffPolicyEvaluation, InverseProbabilityWeighting as IPW # load raw digits data >>> X, y = load_digits(return_X_y=True) # convert the raw classification data into the logged bandit dataset >>> dataset = MultiClassToBanditReduction( X=X, y=y, base_classifier_b=LogisticRegression(random_state=12345), alpha_b=0.8, dataset_name="digits", ) # split the original data into the training and evaluation sets >>> dataset.split_train_eval(eval_size=0.7) # obtain logged bandit feedback generated by behavior policy >>> bandit_feedback = dataset.obtain_batch_bandit_feedback(random_state=12345) >>> bandit_feedback { 'n_actions': 10, 'n_samples': 1258, 'context': array([[ 0., 0., 1., ..., 6., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 14., ..., 10., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 7., ..., 3., 0., 0.], ..., [ 0., 0., 9., ..., 5., 0., 0.], [ 0., 2., 15., ..., 16., 13., 0.], [ 0., 0., 3., ..., 1., 0., 0.]]), 'action': array([6, 9, 0, ..., 2, 2, 5]), 'reward': array([1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]), 'position': array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]), 'pscore': array([0.82, 0.82, 0.82, ..., 0.82, 0.82, 0.82]) } # obtain action choice probabilities by an evaluation policy and its ground-truth policy value >>> action_dist = dataset.obtain_action_dist_by_eval_policy( base_classifier_e=LogisticRegression(C=100, random_state=12345), alpha_e=0.9, ) >>> ground_truth = dataset.calc_ground_truth_policy_value(action_dist=action_dist) >>> ground_truth 0.8599205087440379 # off-policy evaluation using IPW >>> ope = OffPolicyEvaluation(bandit_feedback=bandit_feedback, ope_estimators=[IPW()]) >>> estimated_policy_value = ope.estimate_policy_values(action_dist=action_dist) >>> estimated_policy_value {'ipw': 0.85877699794486} # evaluate the estimation performance (accuracy) of IPW by relative estimation error (relative-ee) >>> relative_estimation_errors = ope.evaluate_performance_of_estimators( ground_truth_policy_value=ground_truth, action_dist=action_dist, ) >>> relative_estimation_errors {'ipw': 0.0020047333605093458} References ------------ Miroslav Dudík, Dumitru Erhan, John Langford, and Lihong Li. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. """ X: np.ndarray y: np.ndarray base_classifier_b: ClassifierMixin alpha_b: float = 0.8 dataset_name: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize Class.""" assert is_classifier( self.base_classifier_b ), f"base_classifier_b must be a classifier" assert (0.0 <= self.alpha_b < 1.0) and isinstance( self.alpha_b, float ), f"alpha_b must be a float in the [0,1) interval, but {self.alpha_b} is given" self.X, y = check_X_y(X=self.X, y=self.y, ensure_2d=True, multi_output=False) self.y = (rankdata(y, "dense") - 1).astype(int) # re-index action # fully observed labels self.y_full = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_actions)) self.y_full[np.arange(self.n_samples), y] = 1 @property def len_list(self) -> int: """Length of recommendation lists.""" return 1 @property def n_actions(self) -> int: """Number of actions (number of classes).""" return np.unique(self.y).shape[0] @property def n_samples(self) -> int: """Number of samples in the original multi-class classification data.""" return self.y.shape[0]
[docs] def split_train_eval( self, eval_size: Union[int, float] = 0.25, random_state: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Split the original data into the training (used for policy learning) and evaluation (used for OPE) sets. Parameters ---------- eval_size: float or int, default=0.25 If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the evaluation split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in train-evaluation split. """ ( self.X_tr, self.X_ev, self.y_tr, self.y_ev, _, self.y_full_ev, ) = train_test_split( self.X, self.y, self.y_full, test_size=eval_size, random_state=random_state ) self.n_samples_ev = self.X_ev.shape[0]
[docs] def obtain_batch_bandit_feedback( self, random_state: Optional[int] = None, ) -> BanditFeedback: """Obtain batch logged bandit feedback, an evaluation policy, and its ground-truth policy value. Note ------- Please call `self.split_train_eval()` before calling this method. Parameters ----------- eval_size: float or int, default=0.25 If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in sampling actions. Returns --------- bandit_feedback: BanditFeedback bandit_feedback is logged bandit feedback data generated from a multi-class classification dataset. """ random_ = check_random_state(random_state) # train a base ML classifier base_clf_b = clone(self.base_classifier_b), y=self.y_tr) preds = base_clf_b.predict(self.X_ev).astype(int) # construct a behavior policy pi_b = np.zeros((self.n_samples_ev, self.n_actions)) pi_b[:, :] = (1.0 - self.alpha_b) / self.n_actions pi_b[np.arange(self.n_samples_ev), preds] = ( self.alpha_b + (1.0 - self.alpha_b) / self.n_actions ) # sample action and factual reward based on the behavior policy action = np.zeros(self.n_samples_ev, dtype=int) for i, p in enumerate(pi_b): action[i] = random_.choice( np.arange(self.n_actions, dtype=int), p=p, replace=False ) reward = self.y_full_ev[np.arange(self.n_samples_ev), action] return dict( n_actions=self.n_actions, n_samples=self.n_samples_ev, context=self.X_ev, action=action, reward=reward, position=np.zeros(self.n_samples_ev, dtype=int), pscore=pi_b[np.arange(self.n_samples_ev), action], )
[docs] def obtain_action_dist_by_eval_policy( self, base_classifier_e: Optional[ClassifierMixin] = None, alpha_e: float = 1.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Obtain action choice probabilities by an evaluation policy. Parameters ----------- base_classifier_e: ClassifierMixin, default=None Machine learning classifier used to construct a behavior policy. alpha_e: float, default=1.0 Ration of a uniform random policy when constructing an **evaluation** policy. Must be in the [0, 1] interval (evaluation policy can be deterministic). Returns --------- action_dist_by_eval_policy: array-like, shape (n_samples_ev, n_actions, 1) action_dist_by_eval_policy is an action choice probabilities by an evaluation policy. where n_samples_ev is the number of samples in the evaluation set given the current train-eval split. n_actions is the number of actions. axis 2 represents the length of list; it is always 1 in the current implementation. """ assert (0.0 <= alpha_e <= 1.0) and isinstance( alpha_e, float ), f"alpha_e must be a float in the [0,1] interval, but {alpha_e} is given" # train a base ML classifier if base_classifier_e is None: base_clf_e = clone(self.base_classifier_b) else: assert is_classifier( base_classifier_e ), f"base_classifier_e must be a classifier" base_clf_e = clone(base_classifier_e), y=self.y_tr) preds = base_clf_e.predict(self.X_ev).astype(int) # construct an evaluation policy pi_e = np.zeros((self.n_samples_ev, self.n_actions)) pi_e[:, :] = (1.0 - alpha_e) / self.n_actions pi_e[np.arange(self.n_samples_ev), preds] = ( alpha_e + (1.0 - alpha_e) / self.n_actions ) return np.expand_dims(pi_e, 2)
[docs] def calc_ground_truth_policy_value(self, action_dist: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the ground-truth policy value of a given action distribution. Parameters ---------- action_dist: array-like, shape (n_samples_ev, n_actions, 1) Action distribution or action choice probabilities of a policy whose ground-truth is to be caliculated here. where n_samples_ev is the number of samples in the evaluation set given the current train-eval split. n_actions is the number of actions. axis 2 of action_dist represents the length of list; it is always 1 in the current implementation. Returns --------- ground_truth_policy_value: float policy value of a given action distribution (mostly evaluation policy). """ assert action_dist.ndim == 3 and isinstance( action_dist, np.ndarray ), f"action_dist must be a 3-D np.ndarray" assert ( action_dist.shape[0] == self.n_samples_ev ), "the size of axis 0 of action_dist must be the same as the number of samples in the evaluation set" return action_dist[np.arange(self.n_samples_ev), self.y_ev].mean()