Source code for obp.utils

# Copyright (c) Yuta Saito, Yusuke Narita, and ZOZO Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

"""Useful Tools."""
from inspect import isclass
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.validation import _deprecate_positional_args

[docs]def estimate_confidence_interval_by_bootstrap( samples: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.05, n_bootstrap_samples: int = 10000, random_state: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Estimate confidence interval by nonparametric bootstrap-like procedure. Parameters ---------- samples: array-like Empirical observed samples to be used to estimate cumulative distribution function. alpha: float, default=0.05 P-value. n_bootstrap_samples: int, default=10000 Number of resampling performed in the bootstrap procedure. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in bootstrap sampling. Returns ---------- estimated_confidence_interval: Dict[str, float] Dictionary storing the estimated mean and upper-lower confidence bounds. """ assert (0.0 < alpha < 1.0) and isinstance( alpha, float ), f"alpha must be a positive float, but {alpha} is given" assert (n_bootstrap_samples > 0) and isinstance( n_bootstrap_samples, int ), f"n_bootstrap_samples must be a positive integer, but {n_bootstrap_samples} is given" boot_samples = list() random_ = check_random_state(random_state) for _ in np.arange(n_bootstrap_samples): boot_samples.append(np.mean(random_.choice(samples, size=samples.shape[0]))) lower_bound = np.percentile(boot_samples, 100 * (alpha / 2)) upper_bound = np.percentile(boot_samples, 100 * (1.0 - alpha / 2)) return { "mean": np.mean(boot_samples), f"{100 * (1. - alpha)}% CI (lower)": lower_bound, f"{100 * (1. - alpha)}% CI (upper)": upper_bound, }
[docs]def convert_to_action_dist( n_actions: int, selected_actions: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Convert selected actions (output of `run_bandit_simulation`) to distribution over actions. Parameters ---------- n_actions: int Number of actions. selected_actions: array-like, shape (n_rounds, len_list) Sequence of actions selected by evaluation policy at each round in offline bandit simulation. Returns ---------- action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Action choice probabilities (can be deterministic). """ n_rounds, len_list = selected_actions.shape action_dist = np.zeros((n_rounds, n_actions, len_list)) for pos in np.arange(len_list): selected_actions_ = selected_actions[:, pos] action_dist[ np.arange(n_rounds), selected_actions_, pos * np.ones(n_rounds, int), ] = 1 return action_dist
[docs]@_deprecate_positional_args def check_is_fitted( estimator: BaseEstimator, attributes=None, *, msg: str = None, all_or_any=all ) -> bool: """Perform is_fitted validation for estimator. Note ---- Checks if the estimator is fitted by verifying the presence of fitted attributes (ending with a trailing underscore) and otherwise raises a NotFittedError with the given message. This utility is meant to be used internally by estimators themselves, typically in their own predict / transform methods. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator instance. estimator instance for which the check is performed. attributes : str, list or tuple of str, default=None Attribute name(s) given as string or a list/tuple of strings Eg.: ``["coef_", "estimator_", ...], "coef_"`` If `None`, `estimator` is considered fitted if there exist an attribute that ends with a underscore and does not start with double underscore. msg : string The default error message is, "This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this estimator." For custom messages if "%(name)s" is present in the message string, it is substituted for the estimator name. Eg. : "Estimator, %(name)s, must be fitted before sparsifying". all_or_any : callable, {all, any}, default all Specify whether all or any of the given attributes must exist. Returns ------- is_fitted: bool Whether the given estimator is fitted or not. References ------- """ if isclass(estimator): raise TypeError("{} is a class, not an instance.".format(estimator)) if msg is None: msg = ( "This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with " "appropriate arguments before using this estimator." ) if not hasattr(estimator, "fit"): raise TypeError("%s is not an estimator instance." % (estimator)) if attributes is not None: if not isinstance(attributes, (list, tuple)): attributes = [attributes] attrs = all_or_any([hasattr(estimator, attr) for attr in attributes]) else: attrs = [ v for v in vars(estimator) if v.endswith("_") and not v.startswith("__") ] is_fitted = len(attrs) != 0 return is_fitted
[docs]def check_bandit_feedback_inputs( context: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, reward: np.ndarray, position: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, pscore: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, action_context: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Optional[AssertionError]: """Check inputs for bandit learning or simulation. Parameters ----------- context: array-like, shape (n_rounds, dim_context) Context vectors in each round, i.e., :math:`x_t`. action: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Action sampled by a behavior policy in each round of the logged bandit feedback, i.e., :math:`a_t`. reward: array-like, shape (n_rounds,) Observed rewards (or outcome) in each round, i.e., :math:`r_t`. position: array-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None Positions of each round in the given logged bandit feedback. pscore: array-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None Propensity scores, the probability of selecting each action by behavior policy, in the given logged bandit feedback. action_context: array-like, shape (n_actions, dim_action_context) Context vectors characterizing each action. """ assert isinstance(context, np.ndarray), "context must be ndarray" assert context.ndim == 2, "context must be 2-dimensional" assert isinstance(action, np.ndarray), "action must be ndarray" assert action.ndim == 1, "action must be 1-dimensional" assert isinstance(reward, np.ndarray), "reward must be ndarray" assert reward.ndim == 1, "reward must be 1-dimensional" if pscore is not None: assert isinstance(pscore, np.ndarray), "pscore must be ndarray" assert pscore.ndim == 1, "pscore must be 1-dimensional" assert ( context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] == pscore.shape[0] ), "context, action, reward, and pscore must be the same size." if position is not None: assert isinstance(position, np.ndarray), "position must be ndarray" assert position.ndim == 1, "position must be 1-dimensional" assert ( context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] == position.shape[0] ), "context, action, reward, and position must be the same size." else: assert ( context.shape[0] == action.shape[0] == reward.shape[0] ), "context, action, and reward must be the same size." if action_context is not None: assert isinstance(action_context, np.ndarray), "action_context must be ndarray" assert action_context.ndim == 2, "action_context must be 2-dimensional" assert (action.max() + 1) == action_context.shape[ 0 ], "the number of action and the size of the first dimension of action_context must be same."
[docs]def sigmoid(x: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Calculate sigmoid function.""" return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))
[docs]def softmax(x: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Calculate softmax function.""" b = np.expand_dims(np.max(x, axis=1), 1) numerator = np.exp(x - b) denominator = np.expand_dims(np.sum(numerator, axis=1), 1) return numerator / denominator