Source code for obp.policy.contextfree

# Copyright (c) Yuta Saito, Yusuke Narita, and ZOZO Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

"""Context-Free Bandit Algorithms."""
import os

# import pkg_resources
import yaml
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from .base import BaseContextFreePolicy

# configurations to replicate the Bernoulli Thompson Sampling policy used in ZOZOTOWN production
prior_bts_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "conf", "prior_bts.yaml")
# prior_bts_file = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "data/emperors.csv")
with open(prior_bts_file, "rb") as f:
    production_prior_for_bts = yaml.safe_load(f)

[docs]@dataclass class EpsilonGreedy(BaseContextFreePolicy): """Epsilon Greedy policy. Parameters ---------- n_actions: int Number of actions. len_list: int, default=1 Length of a list of actions recommended in each impression. When Open Bandit Dataset is used, 3 should be set. batch_size: int, default=1 Number of samples used in a batch parameter update. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in sampling actions. epsilon: float, default=1. Exploration hyperparameter that must take value in the range of [0., 1.]. policy_name: str, default=f'egreedy_{epsilon}'. Name of bandit policy. """ epsilon: float = 1.0 def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize Class.""" assert ( 0 <= self.epsilon <= 1 ), f"epsilon must be between 0 and 1, but {self.epsilon} is given" self.policy_name = f"egreedy_{self.epsilon}" super().__post_init__()
[docs] def select_action(self) -> np.ndarray: """Select a list of actions. Returns ---------- selected_actions: array-like, shape (len_list, ) List of selected actions. """ if (self.random_.rand() > self.epsilon) and (self.action_counts.min() > 0): predicted_rewards = self.reward_counts / self.action_counts return predicted_rewards.argsort()[::-1][: self.len_list] else: return self.random_.choice( self.n_actions, size=self.len_list, replace=False )
[docs] def update_params(self, action: int, reward: float) -> None: """Update policy parameters. Parameters ---------- action: int Selected action by the policy. reward: float Observed reward for the chosen action and position. """ self.n_trial += 1 self.action_counts_temp[action] += 1 n, old_reward = self.action_counts_temp[action], self.reward_counts_temp[action] self.reward_counts_temp[action] = (old_reward * (n - 1) / n) + (reward / n) if self.n_trial % self.batch_size == 0: self.action_counts = np.copy(self.action_counts_temp) self.reward_counts = np.copy(self.reward_counts_temp)
[docs]@dataclass class Random(EpsilonGreedy): """Random policy Parameters ---------- n_actions: int Number of actions. len_list: int, default=1 Length of a list of actions recommended in each impression. When Open Bandit Dataset is used, 3 should be set. batch_size: int, default=1 Number of samples used in a batch parameter update. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in sampling actions. epsilon: float, default=1. Exploration hyperparameter that must take value in the range of [0., 1.]. policy_name: str, default='random'. Name of bandit policy. """ policy_name: str = "random"
[docs] def compute_batch_action_dist( self, n_rounds: int = 1, n_sim: int = 100000, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the distribution over actions by Monte Carlo simulation. Parameters ---------- n_rounds: int, default=1 Number of rounds in the distribution over actions. (the size of the first axis of `action_dist`) Returns ---------- action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Probability estimates of each arm being the best one for each sample, action, and position. """ action_dist = np.ones((n_rounds, self.n_actions, self.len_list)) * ( 1 / self.n_actions ) return action_dist
[docs]@dataclass class BernoulliTS(BaseContextFreePolicy): """Bernoulli Thompson Sampling Policy Parameters ---------- n_actions: int Number of actions. len_list: int, default=1 Length of a list of actions recommended in each impression. When Open Bandit Dataset is used, 3 should be set. batch_size: int, default=1 Number of samples used in a batch parameter update. random_state: int, default=None Controls the random seed in sampling actions. alpha: array-like, shape (n_actions, ), default=None Prior parameter vector for Beta distributions. beta: array-like, shape (n_actions, ), default=None Prior parameter vector for Beta distributions. is_zozotown_prior: bool, default=False Whether to use hyperparameters for the beta distribution used at the start of the data collection period in ZOZOTOWN. campaign: str, default=None One of the three possible campaigns considered in ZOZOTOWN, "all", "men", and "women". policy_name: str, default='bts' Name of bandit policy. """ alpha: Optional[np.ndarray] = None beta: Optional[np.ndarray] = None is_zozotown_prior: bool = False campaign: Optional[str] = None policy_name: str = "bts" def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize class.""" super().__post_init__() if self.is_zozotown_prior: assert ( self.campaign is not None ), "`campaign` must be specified when `is_zozotown_prior` is True." self.alpha = production_prior_for_bts[self.campaign]["alpha"] self.beta = production_prior_for_bts[self.campaign]["beta"] else: self.alpha = np.ones(self.n_actions) if self.alpha is None else self.alpha self.beta = np.ones(self.n_actions) if self.beta is None else self.beta
[docs] def select_action(self) -> np.ndarray: """Select a list of actions. Returns ---------- selected_actions: array-like, shape (len_list, ) List of selected actions. """ predicted_rewards = self.random_.beta( a=self.reward_counts + self.alpha, b=(self.action_counts - self.reward_counts) + self.beta, ) return predicted_rewards.argsort()[::-1][: self.len_list]
[docs] def update_params(self, action: int, reward: float) -> None: """Update policy parameters. Parameters ---------- action: int Selected action by the policy. reward: float Observed reward for the chosen action and position. """ self.n_trial += 1 self.action_counts_temp[action] += 1 self.reward_counts_temp[action] += reward if self.n_trial % self.batch_size == 0: self.action_counts = np.copy(self.action_counts_temp) self.reward_counts = np.copy(self.reward_counts_temp)
[docs] def compute_batch_action_dist( self, n_rounds: int = 1, n_sim: int = 100000, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the distribution over actions by Monte Carlo simulation. Parameters ---------- n_rounds: int, default=1 Number of rounds in the distribution over actions. (the size of the first axis of `action_dist`) n_sim: int, default=100000 Number of simulations in the Monte Carlo simulation to compute the distribution over actions. Returns ---------- action_dist: array-like, shape (n_rounds, n_actions, len_list) Probability estimates of each arm being the best one for each sample, action, and position. """ action_count = np.zeros((self.n_actions, self.len_list)) for _ in np.arange(n_sim): selected_actions = self.select_action() for pos in np.arange(self.len_list): action_count[selected_actions[pos], pos] += 1 action_dist = np.tile( action_count / n_sim, (n_rounds, 1, 1), ) return action_dist